
BTLG - Cut and Scar - 2p Italy x Reader

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*Muffled whispers*


You inhaled. Salty air filled your lungs.

* A shuffle and a weight presses against you*

“Oh _______~”

You moved your head to the side.


 ‘Who is that?’ You steadily regain consciousness. ‘Is someone here?’

“_______”You felt a cold hand wrapped around your throat. “______ it’s time to give me what you owe!”

Your eyes snapped open.


“NNUGH!” you gasped as the hand clutched tighter.

“Hello ______~. You’re awake” The creature grinned cruelly as her hold squeezed your neck harder.

Drool clogged in your throat. You looked to this ‘girl’ alarmed but awed. She was nearly translucent but somehow she also looked like she was made of glass.  Everytime she turned every which way, the light caught on her body reflecting the color spectrum. You couldn’t tell who she was because her features seemed so alien. You looked back to her eyes and soon grew terrified. She had none!

‘How does this psycho know me? Plus who- scratch that- what the hell is she?!’

Her grip on your neck was constricting; you tried to breathe through the meager amount of space of your blocked trachea but your lungs couldn’t inflate. ‘C-can’t breathe…am I going to d-die?!’ Death by suffocation turned your blood into ice.

The expression on your face made her wiggle in joy. “______ your face! It looks so wonderful!” You weakly kneed her stomach but she cackled at your pitiful attempt. “Aww how mean! What was that for?” You glared at her. She smiled and leaned closer to you.  “What’s wrong ______? Frog in your throat?”

You feebly raised your hand and tried to pry her hand off of you. Seeing as that was not working, you mouthed “F*ck you”

This made her snarl. “Resisting, huh? Fine. I guess I have to speed this up a bit”

Putting both knees on either side of your body, she raised her other free hand and placed it on your head. Her crystalline thumb and middle finger elongated into jagged knives and were placed on the temples of either side of your head.

Your heart leaped to your throat. You struggled but the last of your oxygen made you wheeze. Drool escaped the sides of your mouth. Your eyes started to flutter.

“Oh no you’re not getting off that easy” She momentarily relinquished her grip while you gulped for air. “There feel better?” she cooed.

Regaining a bit of strength, you scratched her face. Sadly all your fingers didn’t even cause a dent. Annoyed she said, “Let’s skip the theatrics and get down to it” Her spiked fingers dove down and you shrilled.

Writhing in pain, you felt warm blood leak down and go into your ears. The strange sensation of you leaving your body got more pronounced as her maniacal laughter drowned out.

The pain ceased. The sensation of floating made you look down in surprise. You saw your own body and the girl lifting her fingers from your bloodied head. She left but not before declaring, “Dearest _____; don’t fret I’ll come back when the time is right” She grinned as another thought came to her. “Sweet dreams. You’re going to need it”

You felt distressed. You turned back to your figure and noticed the bloodstains dissipating; as if nothing happened! Your wounds on either side of your face closed. However on your left side was a scar the shape of a dagger.

Curiosity rivaled your worry, but soon you felt warm light closeby. You were tempted to reach out to it. Contentment filled you and made you think was it so bad to follow this light; ‘Don’t I want to feel no more pain? No psychopath girl out to kill me?’ You relished the feeling of being at peace. ‘Is this death? Pure bliss?’

The moment seemed to last for one second when a voice snapped you back into your once lifeless body.



~~~~~~~~~~Timeskip Of 2p Italy Licking His Dagger and Smirking~~~~~~~~~~~


Italy was surveying the ports making sure no rival gangs came to steal his drugs. He just received a huge and expensive drug delivery that will earn him millions. The boat docked and he inhaled the ocean air in victory.

This load would squash all his competition out as well as make him the greatest mob boss in the history of the world.

His boots clanked against the wooden boards of the pier as he ordered his men to load the goods on the trucks carefully. When one man dropped a full case load of the stuff, Italy’s pink eyes darkened. In a blur his hand darted forward and a dull thump was heard. The worker looked down in surprise. A dagger was now lodged in his heart. He raised his head up to look at a grinning Italy. The man staggered and ultimately fell into the sea.

“There” Luciano said, “Anyone else care to-a drop another drug case?”

His men viciously shook their heads and quickly got back to work.

Sneering at his dominance, Luciano turned on his heel when he noticed a girl in a far off distance at the edge of the docks.

‘Who dares spy on me?!’ Furious someone had the gall to spy on him; he briskly walked forward to you.

As he reached your body, he found you unconscious. You wore strange clothes and you didn’t look like you were a spy of any kind. His eyebrows furrowed. “The hell?”

‘Maybe she is faking it’ He nudged your torso with his boot roughly. Your body didn’t respond but hung limp. Still not convinced, he took out a dagger and threw it to the side of your face. Seeing as you didn’t as much as flinch, he loomed over you.

Kneeling he examined your face, you were good-looking. He snickered. Maybe he could make you a servant or his pet. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been intimate with a woman; he had been so busy with his business that he forgot his own bodily needs.

He went to gruffly grab you by the hair when something odd caught his eye. Removing a lock of your hair from your temple, he saw a scar shaped like one of his daggers.

He blinked once and raised his knife hidden under his sleeve. He put his dagger beside your scar and the revelation stuck him.


The knife fell to the floor and Luciano threw you away from him. “Witch!” he yelled.

This feeling of fear made him angered. He couldn’t believe the fortuneteller was right.


*Flashback Time!*


For about a week, Luciano felt anxious. The emotion started eating away at him and his paranoia escalated. He felt that something was coming for him and he hated it.

He checked all the activity in his drug business. Nothing was wrong, in fact business was booming! No rival gangs attacked his empire in over a month!

So the question that was left to answer was why did he feel like impending doom was awaiting for him?

Noticing his paranoia, his brother Flavio said maybe he should go to a fortuneteller. Luciano cringed at the thought and yelled at his brother for being an idiot to believe in such things.

Flavio just rolled his eyes and left a card with the fortuneteller’s information on a table.

A couple of days later, Luciano was unable to sleep and he felt weak.

The feelings of distress got worse. Finally resigning himself to visit the fortuneteller, he took the card, and went to her shop. The woman looked up from her reading table and smiled. “I knew you would come”

Luciano didn’t believe her. He replied, “Tell me why I-a feel worried donna” He sat down across from her.

The women prophet nodded and put her hands on a crystal ball for several minutes. She gave a “Hmm” every five minutes yet didn’t say anything else. Italy’s patience was wearing thin. More time passed and Luciano began tapping his foot. He considered flinging a knife between her eyes when she spoke, “Soon you will find a girl”

Italy raised an eyebrow then smirked. Of course he would find a girl; he always did when he wanted to- “This girl would be lost and need assistance”

His eyes narrowed. “Why do I-a care? Also, this doesn’t answer my-a qu-“

She interrupted him, “She will have the scar in the shape of your dagger even though you had never met her before”

Luciano’s mouth opened then closed. “The f*ck are you talking about old hag? That doesn’t make any sense” He primed a knife, this woman was talking nonsense.

She shook her head. “You are not listening. This girl is going to come and you will change”

That’s it. His patience snapped. “Strega! You lie!” A dagger flew to her throat. He stood up from his chair and went for the door.

He mumbled to himself, “Tch. No one is going to-a change me. The witch was-a lying… all lies”


*Quick Flashback End!*


He looked you again and examined you. How can this girl change him; she didn’t look special. In fact she looked fragile. He came close to you again.

A bizarre emotion swept over him and he clenched his hand. The feeling was foreign but he refused to kneel down to it.

Deciding that it’s better to have you close just in case you turned out to be a threat (and properly dispose of you), he went over to pick you up.

He successfully grappled your middle as you muttered, “Finally”

‘What the-?’  “Bella?”

You jolted awake. Feeling someone having their hands around you made you automatically think of the evil woman coming back to finish you off. Screeching, you kicked with both legs and heard an “Umpf!”

You turned to see a person crumpled to the ground face down. Your vision was blurry from all the adrenaline coursing though you. Pushing your body up, you used your momentum to sprint forward. Successfully you ran from the dock toward the beach, when five thugs stood in your way.

“Where do you think you’re going little lady?”

You skidded to a stop. ‘No’ You thought ‘I almost escaped. Now she is going to ki-‘

A voice from behind you spoke. “Stand down. This bella is-a mine” You turned rigid.

The men in front of you paled, “Y-Yes sir” They scurried away.

That left you alone with the man you never thought you would see. You turned your body 180 degrees and gasped.

Luciano Vargas. Mob boss, ruthless killer, and master knife-thrower. Light tan skin was slightly wet from the saline air and his hat with purple feathers sat atop his dark chestnut hair. His bangs swayed lazily in the breeze. Magenta eyes bore into yours.

Italy went to you and brought you close. A knife found its way near your neck. “You know bella”, he breathed, “I never had anyone hit-a me and live”

You gulped, “I t-thought you were someone else”

He laughed. Was she serious? “Oh really? And who do you-a think I was?”

You almost answered when a faint ringing was her between your ears before you answered, “I-I’m not sure”

His face inched to yours. Were you lying to him? How could you not remember? Then the fortuneteller’s words came to his thoughts, “This girl would be lost and need assistance”

Woah, the prophet was right. He almost wished he didn’t kill her. Almost.

He put his knife away but kept his hands on your waist and face. “Bella, do you-a know who I am? Are you-a lost?” he smirked.

You looked to him confused. “Yes I know you” He nodded proud his reputation preceded him. “And I guess I’m lost…”

“Good” he giggled, “What’s your-a name?”


“Hmm~. Suits an attractive bella like you” He got an idea. “You can stay with-a me in my villa”

“What?! No I couldn’t” You replied with a bead of sweat forming on your head.

“You will” His eyes flashed as he let go of you. He snapped his fingers and two men immediately came. “Take us to my-a villa. I tire of this place” The men quickly got his car and opened the door.

Italy motioned for you to go ahead of him like a gentleman. You hesitated. ‘Am I going to be taken to my death? I mean I did hit him’

Seeing your hesitation, he growled and pushed you in. You squeaked as your body hit the leather seat. He swiftly went in after you and put an arm around your shoulders.


~~~~~~Timeskip Of Luciano Biting Your Neck while You Whimper~~~~~~


Upon arriving to his home, you looked to the mansion in awe. Most millionaires didn’t have a house this big!

Luciano, happy to be home, thrust open the door and took you with him.

Once inside the house, your nose was overwhelmed by the delicious aroma of pasta.

“Wow. That smells really good” you commentated. Your mouth watered.

“Si it does” he went into the kitchen and then ordered his chefs to go away. Responding immediately, they left.

You walked over and asked, “Why did you do that?”

He took a spoon and sampled the food. “Did what?”

“Send them away. Don’t you want them to finish the food?”

He shook his head. “No” He leered. “I don’t want-a them to know my secret sauce”

“You mean the sauce with blood?” You bit your tongue. ‘There you go _______. Running your mouth again’

He gave you an inquisitive look before he cackled. “You would be right~”

You let out a rugged breath. Jesus he was truly insane… but that made him more appealing. (Aren’t they all?)


You turned to him. “Yes?”

“Be a dear bring me two plates” he demanded sweetly.

You obeyed. You gave him the plates and he put a substantial amount of food on it. Thinking he was going to put them on the table, he then added his ‘special sauce’ on the pasta.

You looked to the plate disgusted. You didn’t want to eat that! There was blood in it!

Loving your expression, his face went in front of yours. “Eat it, bella”


He grabbed a fork and shoved it into your hand. “Eat it~”

You squinted your eyes. “I can’t”  ‘I’m not a cannibal’

“Why not?” Irritation threatened to bubble to the surface.

“Because...” You struggled for an excuse “…because we are not sitting at a table!” You mentally applauded yourself.

He considered this. “Fine” He set the plates down on the table. “There. No excuses”

You saw your seat was right next to his; meaning that you had no chance to escape. Stiffly sitting down he watched you as you raised your fork and raised the pasta to your mouth.

“Uh uh uh” He said. You looked to him puzzled. “You have to put-a more sauce on that pasta”

You frowned. He certainly wanted you to suffer. Putting more sauce on your forkful of pasta, you finally put the food in your mouth.

It tasted… great. You hated to admit it but the sauce had a lot of flavor. You swallowed. Suddenly in the back of your palate you noticed the bitter-rusty tang from the blood start to form. You struggled not to gag.

“See? It tastes-a good~” He ate the pasta in relish while watching you.

Bit by bit you managed to finish the whole plate all the while hearing Luciano talking about his business. He didn’t care if you knew all about it… he wasn’t going to let you leave anyway.

You gradually relaxed. Without intimidating you, he seemed decent. A gentle smile graced your lips.

The sight baffled the Italian who already finished his dinner. ‘Why is she smiling? I didn’t compliment her. Perhaps she’s just thinking about something else… I love that smile- what?! Idiota what is wrong with you? Love is for weaklings!’


“What?” he snarled.

You ignored his rude answer. “You cut off mid-sentence”

He needed to keep his emotions in check. ‘Lust tramples all emotions’ Instead of giving you an answer, he enquired, “You tired bella?”

You didn’t realized how exhausted you were until he asked. “Maybe” Your statement ended with a yawn.

A light blush formed on his features. How can a girl appear so endearing? He shook the ‘pathetic’ thoughts away. He mentally repeated, ‘Lust tramples all emotions’ He will get what he wants- he always had.

He wrapped an arm tightly around your waist and lifted you off your chair. You were going to protest when he lead you up a spiraling staircase.

You almost got dizzy from all the steps when magically you appeared at your destination.

The door was already ajar and lit. You wondered, ‘Does he keep the lights on all the time? Ugh talk about wasting electricity…’

He led you inside the room and released you as he leaned against the bedpost. He would let you discover that this was his room and then he would strike~.

The room was beautiful in your eyes. It was unbelievably clean. Everything was in its place you looked everywhere in delight. ‘Is this my room?’ Then you saw a numerous daggers on top of a mahogany desk. ‘Wait’ You saw wine glasses right beside wine bottles full of blood. ‘Hold on’ The last piece of the puzzle clicked when you saw the Italian flag slashed on the side. You spun around, “You took me to your room!?”

“Si~” he waited for you to start running so he could play his favorite game: ‘Cat and Mouse’.

On the other hand you were a different thinker. You did the exact opposite. You ran to him and embraced him.

“Che cazzo?!” He stumbled back. Why weren’t you running?

You snuggled against him. “Thank you! Thank you Luci! You are not murderous like you are made out to be; you are charming!”

The compliment caught him by surprise. So you thought he was charming? He smirked. “I’m charming? Oh bella I will show you the true meaning of that word~”

“Huh- eek?!” He pinched your butt. Your shocked [e/c] orbs locked with his. He brushed his lips against yours. Your cheeks flamed.

He wanted more. Much more. He gripped your arse and took advantage of your astonishment. His tongue delved into your mouth and you moaned.

His fingers grabbed hold of the belt of his pants and then-

“Sir! SIR!!”

Luciano groaned. What the hell did those idiotas do this time? He roared, “Fanculo! What?!”

The man ran into the room but seeing the position you both were in looked away. “Sir, the Titan gang struck! We are currently engaging in a gunfight!”

Seeing this was an important matter, Luciano told himself he would get what he wanted later. “Bella stay here. You’ll be safe. I come back for you-a later~” He French-kissed you and in a moment he was gone with his lackey.

The room felt empty; though it left you time to process the day’s events. “He’s so hot” you shut your mouth thinking someone was going to hear you. You looked outside the hall. No one. ‘Weird. Where are all the servants?’ You shrugged then came up with an idea. “He’s so hot!” you repeated in a louder tone. You laughed.

You jumped on top of the bed and yelled, “Luciano is HOT! And I got to kiss him!” You fell back to the bed laughing. “Woo~! Today was amazing- though I could have done without the near death experience, I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

You touched the scar on your left temple. “I am happy that mirror granted my wish… though I feel it came with a cost…”

As you lay there, you remembered that you were slowly forgetting your old life and the people, but more importantly your parents you left behind in your own dimension.

Now all that concerned your mind was “Why am I forgetting them?...”


“…And how do I get back home?”

Ahhhh! 2p Italy is gonna getcha! Oops he already did!  xD  Lol

He is like one of the sexiest 2ps >,< Like why do my ovaries yearn for this psychotic mofo?! (I know why its for the same reason that he is an Italian lover~) :)

Hello readers! I hope you enjoy the second to the last installment of 2p Week! 

I love your guys comment and hope to see more! <3 (You guys are so loyal; you are the drive that keeps me going)

Anyway, I own the plotline to this story! However I own nothing else!! (Note: I used Photoshop to manipulate the picture and changed his eyecolor to magenta)

You belong to the bloody pasta! -I meant You belong to You Hehe ^^;

© 2014 - 2024 Kal-a-Cas
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ZeAwesomeDoitsu's avatar
When I think of Cocain I think about Elmo stuffing his head in the stuff and yelling cocain then smashing his head back into it.