
BTLG -In An Unknown Place- Germany x Reader

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You woke up on a soft pile of lush green grass. When you tried to open your eyes, the sunlight blinded you. ‘Ah! Why does the light have to be so bright?!’

You turned your head to the side and through blurry vision, you made out three distinct figures far away from you.

All three seemed to be running in circles but before your vision got better you heard:

“Vork harder Italy! Run faster or else England is going to catch you!”

‘G-germany?! Oh Jesus, I must be dreaming!’

“Why are you-a being so mean to me, Germany!” The Italian cried. “Wait, England is-a after me? Ahhh!” he screamed and you heard him run faster.

“Mister Germany, you shourd not be that hard on Itary” a quiet Japanese voice said.

“Vell I can’t help it that he’s laz- hey, vhat iz that?”

You heard the sound of footsteps come toward you.

“Ve~! It’s-a bella! Is she-a sleeping?”

“She seems to be unconscious” a deep voice responded back and you felt his warm breath near your face.

“Mister Germany, do you think she passed out from the heat?”

“That could be it. She iz wearing exercise clothes; she probably strained herself too much when she ran here” ‘But vhy would she be here? I have never seen her before’

Before you could move your body or even speak to respond to their remarks, your head shot a jolt of pain; enough pain to make you whimper.

“Ah! Germany! Do-a something!” shouted the scared Italian.

“Be quiet!” He sighed. “I guess ve should take her to the house to cool her off”

“That is a good idea, Mister Germany”

“Yeah! And I can-a make her pasta!” shouted the bubbly Italian before you heard his voice fade away with another pair of quiet footsteps.

You felt yourself being picked up by huge strong arms and your head placed in the crook of his neck.

As if on cue your headache started to fade away, leaving you with the ability to open your eyes. Once you did, you were greeted with a very pleasant sight.

There in front of you, holding you was Germany. He was wearing all his exercise clothes like he did in the anime while his green jacket hanging around his shoulders. As you looked higher you saw his cornflower blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight with his usually slicked back blonde locks slightly damped with sweat.

Germany seemed to notice your change in breathing and greeted you. “Oh you are awake. Are you alright?”

Stunned that you were actually talking with your crush you stuttered out, “Y-yeah, I’m f-fine”

Germany was about to say something when he blushed.

Wondering why he was blushing you asked, “Is there something on my head?”

Looking away, he replied, “Your *ahem* bra seems to be shoving” (it’s “showing” but in German the ‘W’ sounds like a ‘V’!)

Looking down at your shirt you realized he was right. Not only was your bra showing but part of your cleavage was as well… with sweat!? ‘Wow. I didn’t even realize it was this hot?!' Apparently when Ludwig picked you up, your tanktop slipped down even lower than it was supposed to ( and your sweat was probably also the reason why your tanktop slipped far too much down XD ).

All flustered you responded “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t know-“

“It’z alright, j-just fix it,,, please”

You raised your tanktop as high as it would go as Ludwig continued to carry you to his house.

An awkward silence filled the gap between the both of you. Intimidated by the silence, it motivated you to talk more with Ludwig.

“S-so… what’s your name? Oh! And thanks for carrying me and all; you have really buff arms!”

‘Oh God! What have I just said!?’

Germany looked at you stunned. You were about to die of embarrassment when you heard a low chuckle.

“D-danke, fraulein. I vork out a lot” He paused before continuing. “And ihr willkommen- I mean you’re welcome, I could not just leave a fraulein like you all alone in a field…. My name is Ludwig Beilschmidt”

You smiled before you said, “My name is _____  _______! It’s nice to meet you, Ludwig”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Timeskip brought to you By that Hot German Body!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You were set down on the couch and given a cold glass of water. You happily gulped it down and gave a satisfied sigh.

When you opened your [e/c] eyes again, they were met with three sets of brown, honey brown, and blue colored eyes.

Startled, you leaned back against the couch.

“So, where did you-a come from bella?” The bubbly Italian asked.

“Itary! You shourd not ask such personar questions to a guest!” Japan scolded.

“Do not patronize her Italy!” Ludwig said.

“I’m-a sorry! Will you-a forgive me bella?!” The Italian pleaded while holding your hands between his.

You immediately took your hands away from his and blushed. “O-of course Feli! I could never be mad at you!”

All the nations immediately got quiet and looked at you with eyes slightly widening.

“Why are you guys looking at me like that? Have I said something wrong?”

“B-bella… how did you know-a my name? I didn’t even tell you yet” The Italian said with a confused look in his eyes.

You were about to say ‘Oh that’s easy! It’s because I watch Hetalia! Wait I can’t say that! I am clearly not in the same dimension. Hmm… I have to come up with something and fast!’

“I read about you guys online!” you blurted out.

All the Axis Powers gave a universal “What?”

“I thought our identities vere kept a secret?” Germany asked while putting a hand to his chin.

“I thought so as werr” said Kiku.

‘Aw sh*t, their onto me! It’s okay _____! You can fix this!’

*cough cough* Well you see I follow a blog that says personifications of countries are real and they had pictures of you guys”

‘Gah! ______! That’s the stupidest excuse that I ever made up! Now they are going to think you are some sort of wierdo!’

“Interesting. Vhat iz this blog called?”

You felt like more sweat was forming on your already hot forehead. “I forget! Hey where’s the bathroom?”

Germany pointed to a door to your left. “It’z over there down to your left”

You gave a quick thank you and sped off to the bathroom.

~~~~~~~~~Timeskip Brought to you By BDSM because that’s how Germany likes it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After you were done doing your “business” in the restroom, you gave yourself a mental pep-talk.

‘Okay _____, try not to be creepy even though your fantasy man now exists- you have to try to act normal! Okay after me: breathe in and out. In and out’

You finally calmed yourself down a bit before you looked back at the mirror and saw what you were wearing.

“What the-! He saw me wearing this?!” you shouted. Your whole form was covered in dirt and grass stains.

“______? Did you say something?” said a certain deep German voice from behind the bathroom door.

“N-no! I am just in the bathroom, doing what people in the bathroom do” ‘Ugh! What!?’ you thought as you cleaned yourself off.

“O-okay then. Dinner is going to be ready soon” and you heard the huge German walk off.

You facepalmed at what you just said but you decided you would have to face him sooner or later, so you exited the bathroom.

Once you came out, you found Feli setting up the table with Kiku while Ludwig was serving wurst.

Once he put the plate in front of you, you couldn’t wait to dig in. Once everyone had their serving of wurst and sat down, except Italy of course… his plate was full of pasta, you eagerly dug your fork into the meat.

Once you managed to get a bite of the wurst you happily said, “Great cooking, Luddy!” and stuffed your face with even more wurst.

Mumbling a “thank you” and “don’t call me Luddy”, Ludwig blushed.

Dinner continued like this, with him or the other Axis Powers asking questions about you and you about them. When questions like “When did you first find out about them” or “What that blog was called” you quickly changed the subject to one of “How many times a week do you guys exercise” or “what is the difference between wurst or a hot dog?”

After asking the last question, Ludwig quickly described the major differences between wurst and hot dogs, and how wurst is a traditional German dish.

You were amused by his patriotism. Pretty soon, all of you finally finished dinner before
you decided you had to go.

“B-but bella! Can’t you-a stay awhile longer?” Feli asked.

“No, I’m sorry I can’t, I have to go home” you said sadly.

“Vell tell me vhere you live und I could drive you” Germany kindly offered.

You smiled at him. “Okay! I live-huh. That’s weird. I can’t seem to remember where I live”

All three countries gave you odd expressions.

“Miss ______, how courd you forget something so important?”

You shook your head and made a confused expression. “I-I don’t know”

A concerned look crossed Ludwig’s face. He then asked, “Tell me your parents’ names so I can find them in the phonebook”

You slowly nodded. “Yeah sure! They are- I-I don’t remember?!” ‘Why am I forgetting all these important things’ you thought and you slowly started to shake in fear.

“W-why can’t I remember them? Why can’t I REMEMBER?!” You put a hand to your head and violently shook.

Italy tried to calm you down by giving you a hug. “It’s-a okay bella! Maybe you-a hit your head! Sometimes I-a hit my head and forget some stuff (cue eyeroll from both Germany and Japan) but it-a always comes back!”

“Yeah. You’re probably right. I must have hit my head. I mean memories just don’t go away, do they?” you gave a hopeful glace to everyone especially to Germany.

Ludwig just shook his head to calm you but as he continued to look at you he thought, 'I really hope this fraulien didn’t get hurt before I got to her’

Noticing you were worrying everyone including your crush, you jumped away from Feli’s hug and said, “Well it seems like it’s getting late! We should go to sleep if we are going to train tomorrow!”

Once again the Axis Powers became baffled at you before Germany smirked and shook his head.

“Seems like _____ is right. Ve have to get up extra early tomorrow because _______ is new und ve have to show her how training is done”

Italy started to complain and cry while Japan nodded his head and went upstairs to go to sleep.

Germany, ignoring Italy’s complaining, yelled at him to go to sleep. When Italy started to whine even more, he gave a heavy sigh before telling you to follow him.

Eagerly following Ludwig, you randomly said, “You have a beautiful house”

“Danke” he replied before he opened the door to the guestroom or should I say your room.

You readily looked around your room to find it all German themed. The covers of the bed had all the colors of black, red, and yellow. Honestly everything was in those three colors; but what topped the room off was that a huge German flag huge above the bed.

After you were done surveying the room, you turned to Ludwig. “Wow, Ludwig. I love your decor”

Looking to the side, he responded, “It vas nothing”
Before another awkward silence could ensue, you ran to Ludwig and pressed your body close to him as you gave him a hug.

With a head to his chest you said, “Thank you, Luddy. For finding me and all”

Before he could even react you jumped away from him and stated, “Well I am off to bed! Good night, Luddy!”

Then you proceeded to hop inside the covers of your new comfortable bed.

Finally registering what just happened, he lightly blushed red and mumbled, “Your welcome but don’t call me that. G-good night, ______” He then stepped out of the room and softly closed the door.

You lay there on your bed looking up at the ceiling ecstatically happy that you spent your day with your love. Man, you couldn’t even believe that this was real or even that your wish from that mirror came true!

But as you lay there, you remembered that you were slowly forgetting your old life and the people, and more importantly your parents you left behind in your own dimension.

Now all that worried your mind was “Why am I forgetting them?...”

“…And how do I get back home?”
Wahoo! Second country to be updated!

Honestly who isn't happy to see this fine man make a debut with you?

I am so happy with this! Not only is the situation totally different but the other Axis Powers are here too!

Me lovee Germany's eyes. :3 (please excuse my fangirling)

I look forward to what you guys think!

I only own the storyline!

And you belong to you (maybe...)

Back to the Intro:…
© 2013 - 2024 Kal-a-Cas
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american-otaku-girl's avatar
Germany, Germany, Germany is a really really cute guy
APH Italy Roll Squeal APH Italy Roll Squeal APH Italy Roll Squeal